Now when you commence on an insulin pump you are shown how to set it up, refill it, change the battery and countless other important facts and figures but what they forget too tell you is where to wear it and the pitfalls!!!!
Now as a runner I don’t like things bouncing around so I wear the pump on my hip attached with the clip problem is I keep breaking the clips….. LOTS!!!!! In fact I have broken about 10 since last August when I started on the pump. How does this happen ? Well mostly getting in the car countless times I have felt my hip and pulled the pump out with a broken clip attached. Medtronic always quickly post a new one out or our awesome Medtronic rep here in Tassie Catriona will pop a new one in the letter box. All well and good BUT in between times I have to wear the dreaded holster clip (which would be far more appropriate if I was a type one cowboy). So this morning I set off on my run with the holster on my hip bouncing around, twice as it had moved I tried to turn my iPod up using the line to the pump instead of my head phones so I moved it to my bra only for my boobs to start buzzing at me as the pump was down to its last 20 units of insulin!!!!! So my you can imagine my delight when I got home to find that Catroina had delivered a clip to my door step. Everyone is different with their preference on the pumps location some people wear it with pride others hide it away and that’s fine either way. My biggest fear when starting on the pump was the fact it would be “there” 24/7 but it doesn’t bother me at all in fact other then breaking clips and buzzing boobs I tend to forget it’s there most of the time. #getpumped