April 27 2015 0Comment

Always Have A Backup!!!!

Since starting on my Medtronic insulin pump I have had back up bits for EVERYTHING – batteries, strips and of course the sets that deliver the insulin. So you can imagine my shock when it started beeping at me low battery and I went to replace it only to find I didn’t have any!!!!!! Of course this happened at night when most shops where shut. I did what seemed sensible at the time PANIC I had a non working pump for the first time since starting on it so in my moment of “controlled” panic I injected insulin (which I later found out was far to much). My partner Brendon went in search of new batteries as the pump only operates on one sort it was a search to fine them. He rang 30 minutes later to say he had found some and he was on the way home. With replacement batteries found and pump pumping I burst into tears as the thought of being without my little purple friend had been the most stressful hour of my life (ok maybe not the most stressful but close to it). So my tip to all pump users is have a back up for the back up as Murphys Law will step in and you will be caught without at the worst possible time!!!!
