Have to admit being a little excited about our trip to the Gold Coast and taking part in the marathon. Unfortunalty this excitement is showing up in slightly elevated blood sugars (ok when I say elevated I mean 9 tops). With the last days of training I have had to use the temporary basel as the adrenilan is pumping and raising my sugars. After 13 weeks of training it’s nearly time for the victory lap the finally 42.195kms of 100’s and 100’s of kms ran in order to take part in another beloved marathon. This time around thanks to my MiniMed 640 G and SmartGuard the ride has been less stressful and a muchhealthier process then other marathons I have taken part in (not only for me but for my loved ones). Now my partner Brendon just shakes his head at me as I tend to start packing for a trip weeks in advance and start triple checking I have everything but I think he was happy that I started bagging up all the pump bits ready to take which include spare pump, sensors, transmitter, test strips, blood testers, set changes, gels and glucose tables for the “just in case moments” and that’s before I remove the insulin and Glucadon Kit from the fridge!!!!! All these items will travel in my hand luggage along with my beloved Brooks Glycerin 13’s. One thing I have learnt is that pumpers tend not to travel light but we travel and we achieve as we know that nothing can stop us doing the things we love most in life. Bring on the Gold Coast Marathon feeling pumped!!!!!!