October 18 2015 0Comment

Day Off!!!!

Had a wonderful days running today at the 2015 Burine 10, met some inspiring people, enjoyed some lovely sunshine (not to self wear sunscreen during North2South run), made some lovely new friends and got to catch up with some old ones. 
My blood sugars are steady but on the higher side and seem to be taking twice the amount of insulin to keep it in range which is no doubt a result of the aderialen. CGM is keep it in check but I’m also being extra careful and calibrating more than the normal 2-4 times a day. 
We are enjoying some lovely meals which in its self can cause issues with carb counting. Judging a restaurant meal can be tricky and takes practice and sometimes I hate to say it some guess work. If only all meals can with a carb count printed on the menu!!!!!!
Got though my last two runs injury free and feeling good so really happy to be heading into the North2South  in a position to give it my all. 
Tomorrow will be a day off of sorts with media and final details to go over .  It’s only two more sleeps so hard to believe. 
