October 18 2015 0Comment

North2South – It’s Here

Wow what a busy few weeks it has been!!!! With the final details of the run to arrange, sponsors meetings, training, taking on the JDRF One Walk (as event host)  and ensuring MiniMed Miles is set to start plus being a mum and partner, there has been moments of forgetting I was a type one diabetic myself !!!!  Actually not forgetting just being lazy… testing and forgetting to tell the MiniMed – clearly the pump is only as good as the information it receives!!!! Carbing and then getting side tracked and not eating, which naturally resulted in sugar lows, training (which is alway good to clear the head) but while lost deep in thought forgetting to test (and take glucose  gels).  In fact the list of my muck ups is never ending. 
But here we are two days away from commencing  205kms of running and I’m back on CGM which has handed  some of the responsibility back to the pump. And when I get busy the pump alerts me to the fact I’m still a type one diabeic and I need to action something.  But at this stage I’m more then ever greatful for SmartGuard and the suspend before low capabilities. 
In addition to the North2South run I also competed in the 6.4km Run For A Wish yesterday and this morning will compete in the Burnie 10km. Now since I commenced pumping the one thing we found out is the aderenial factor which skyrockets my blood sugars!!!  But since arriving in Launceston the excitement and aderenial factor has kick in early (not surprising really). 
So I’m becoming the master of temp basels and corrections but again wearing CGM is making this so much easier to deal with. 
So after months and months of hard work it’s here. Failure in not an option and I’m super keen to get started and hopeful change the lives of type one diabetic chidern for the better. 
